May 2019 — Lambda School & Chill

William A. Mooney
1 min readJun 1, 2019

This month flew by as I went thru week after week of awesome live lectures and projects…

Lambda School

This month was all about Advanced CSS & JavaScript Fundamentals…

Responsive Design I: covered learning about fixed, fluid, adaptive, and responsive layouts.
Responsive Design II: covered use of responsive units to create a fully responsive website.
Preprocessing I: covered installation and use of Less Proprocessor.
Preprocessing II: covered Functions, Parabolic Mixins & Less Import.

JavaScript I: covered functions, variables, object literals, arrays, array methods & array props.
JavaScript II: covered closure, callback functions & advanced array methods.
JavaScript III: covered this keyword, constructors & prototypes.
JavaScript IV: covered The JavaScript Prototype object, constructor functions,
Pseudo-classical Inheritence and the class keyword.

Both of those two week periods were followed up with a great sprint challenge covering everything learned.

Both were relatively straight forward and I got to complete even the stretch goals on them.

I’m as excited as ever to keep progressing thru this program.

Stay tuned and be sure to follow me!

Christ Centered Dev. || Developer || Blogger

